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Talk To Somebody

Not every sale is going to come to you.
You're eventually going to have to get out of your comfort zone and go talk to somebody.
Hey, I would love to sit back in my easy chair and have huge direct deposits hit my bank account automatically without me doing a thing, or talking to anybody. Who wouldn't?
That's not the way things work in the world of sales.
That's not the way things work in any area of life.
You've got to talk to somebody. Yes, that means you have to approach people you don't already know and tell them what you do. Talk To Somebody! Give yourself a chance to succeed.
Salespeople don't fail because they can't memorize the pitch; they fail because they don't make enough sales at profits high enough to stay in business. They fail because they aren't talking to enough people who are qualified to buy from them.
Even if you're not a great salesperson, you can make up in numbers what you lack in talent.
Companies don't fail because they don't know how to install roofs; they fail because they don't make enough sales at profits high enough to stay in business. They fail because they aren't connecting with enough people to keep them in business.
Fortunately, the best way to get better is within your control...you get better by practicing...practice talking to people by talking to people. Simple, huh?
There's a good guy by the name of Al Cannon... I always think about the story he tells about how he trains new salespeople.
I wish he could tell you the story himself, but let me try to give you the basics...
Al takes each new salesperson to the nearest Kroger and starts walking the aisles. Every person he meets, he stops and strikes up a conversation with them. He talks to them. He does this with the new salesperson by his side, aisle-by-aisle, until he has finished walking the entire grocery store.
After he's finished, he turns to the new salesperson and says, "Now, it's your turn."
If they aren't willing to walk the aisles and attempt to start a new conversation with every single person they meet, Al Cannon will tell you, "They aren't going to make it in roofing sales."
Don't like your paycheck? Talk to somebody!
Don't like your closing ratio? Talk to somebody!
Don't like your profit margins? Talk to somebody!
Everything you need to know, all the money you want to make, is ready and waiting to be discovered in the form of another person you need to talk to.
Talk to somebody.
✌ Mike

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