Free Articles, Videos, and More
Recorded live with Owen Shrock.
[*This interview was originally recorded as an exclusive for my private Mastermind group. It is now being shared publicly on the free Roofing Salesman University blog for you.]...
Are you getting paid?
Not every payment comes in the form of cash, check, or charge. If you're not getting paid for the work you do, you're doing it all wrong!
Sign your entire sales team up for the Roofing...
Here's a sample of what to expect when you purchase the accelerated version of 101 Sales Tips. Each lesson comes with a corresponding downloadable .mp3 file and .pdf version for your own company sales...
The advice in this video was crowd-sourced from the Roofing Salesman Facebook page.
Read this article: "HELP PEOPLE"
Burning Money on Roofing Leads
I won't stay quiet any longer...
This is the simplest of many advertising money tests I personally use before entering a market to generate leads.
I'm going...
Every sale requires an investment.
Your customer invests their money, but you also make a considerable investment of time, energy, attention, reputation, effort, and value in exchange for their money.
I'm a firm believer that we get stuck where we're at because we're more comfortable where we're at than how much we want to get where we say we want to go.
If you want more business, make this simple strategy...